
Roving Trader Tracker allows Event Organisers (and businesses on the Premium package) to create events that appear alongside businesses on the website as map markers as well as having their own unique event page on the website.

Examples of events that can be created on Roving Trader Tracker include:

    • Markets (e.g. Retail Markets, Pop-up Markets, Floating Markets)
    • Trade Shows
    • Festivals
    • Workshops, Seminars and Performances
    • ...and many more!

Listing your events on Roving Trader Tracker allows...

    • Members of the public that live nearby to search for/find your event, see which businesses will be trading at your event and find out more about them from their own profile pages
    • Traders to find and register for your event as they look for events to trade at throughout the year
    • Increased visibility of your event to the public with a unique event profile URL and link to your event from the traders location timelines
    • You to search and find mobile businesses to trade at your event

Getting Started with Events

To get started with Events on Roving Trader Tracker:

  1. Create a user account and sign up to a package that includes the ability to create events (Event Organiser / Premium Account)
  2. Create the event listing, add photos and invite businesses to your event
  3. Share your unique event URL on Roving Trader Tracker to Social Media!

Event Listing - Finding your Event

Homepage Search

When you have created your event, the public can browse and search for your event from the Roving Trader Tracker homepage, clicking on the pin for your event gives them a brief description of the event:


Events Listing Page

The events listing page shows events in list form and, similar to the homepage, the public can find events by name, description, date and location:

Your Event Listing - Map View        

Clicking through to the event displays detailed information about the event with a large map showing the location of the event:


From there, visitors to your event profile page can find all of the details of your event, share it to Social Media and also see a list of the businesses attending the event (which they can click to find out more about the businesses attending.

Your Event Listing - Listing View

In addition to the map view, there is also a listing view for your event:

Your Event Listing - Business Location Timeline

When businesses are registered to attend your event, their attendance will be visible on the businesses location timeline on their listing page: